Saturday, 25 June 2016

FOOD REVIEW- Perkier cacao and cashew bar

Straight away this bar reminded me a  little of a 9 bar with all its seeds, however it is really sticky and syrupy. I actually liked the part, it wasn't too much to be unenjoyable and even reminded me of a fresh warm flapjack even though it was cold. The raisins are also lovely and soft and cacao was definitely a strong flavour throughout. 

I love how many different flavours are incorporated, 10 different nuts, seeds and other raw ingredients, squished together with brown rice cassava syrup. I think it's a bold step to use something like this as most vegan bars try to steer clear of any such thing but I think adding it was a great idea for the bar.
However I didn't think that the Cashews were all as prominent as I would've liked them to be and personally I could taste more Brazil nut. 

Even though these bars are fairly new they still seem to be sold in a good verity of different places; large UK supermarkets, Health food stores, and online as stated on their website.
The price too is pretty average at £0.99 give or take just like most bars, although i think these have a lot more depth than a nākd bar wich would be the same price 

Nutrition wise they aren't that bad, especially if you treat it as a flapjack. It has less that 3g sat fat per 100g and they're full of protein too. It's not the best for sugar (13% of the bar) but it's still a lot better than a chcolate bar, plus you get all the sweetness For only 144cals too!

Price and accessibility-*****
Health rank-***1/2
Overall rating-****

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