Thursday 23 June 2016

FOOD REVIEW: Crispy coconut curls

Coconut is one of my favourite things, so when I saw these at the shops I had to buy some. They came in lightly salted (pictured) or peppered, and since I'm not a pepper fan I went for these ones. 

Salted coconut sounded really interesting to me and I thought that would be a good thing to try as it seemed like the weirdest combination  ever. At first It had such an usual taste and texture but I did actually really enjoy it. They were very, very salty and what I thinks nice is that you get the salt coming through first and then after that flavour is the coconut. The flavours contrast each other so much yet somehow they still go together nicely in the crisps. 

I really like the shape of them, also the fact that the coconut is crispy, like a potato chip, because I think if it was soft consistency the salt wouldn't work but with dried coconut the crispiness and salt go great together. 

These 'crisps' are only about £1 depending on where you buy them and pretty easy to find as they even have their own website here

Surprisingly these aren't too high in salt from the flavouring but instead pretty high in fat (at 7.2g satfat!!!) but at only 109 calories and vegan I can't stay too mad I suppose. 

Price and accessibility-***1/2
Health rank-**1/2
Overall rating-***1/4

Enjoy your day my vegan friends xxx

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